Block A Range of IP Addresses via iptables (CentOS/RedHat)

I was asked the other day by a friend if he would be able to use iptables to block a range of IP addresses.  Of course!  For years any servers I ran I would disable selinux and just use iptables, setting up simple rules, and letting it go.  It worked well and I never had any issues with it.

Below is a cleaned up version of the message I sent to him.

1.  Find the range
If you don’t know the range you’ll need to get that.  I’ve always done this by a whois search on the ip address.

john@john-mint ~ $ whois
NetRange: -

2.  Run the following command as root.

iptables -A INPUT --source -j DROP

3.  Save it!

/usr/sbin/iptables save

4.  You can restart the service.

/usr/sbin/iptables restart

5.  Verify that the rule was saved.

iptables -L
Block A Range of IP Addresses via iptables (CentOS/RedHat)

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